Police and council chiefs have pledged tough measures to combat postal-vote cheats.

The message was issued this week amid fears that some people would try to abuse the system.

With several days still remaining until the deadline for applications, over 37,200 people were this week already registered -- or had applied -- for postal votes in the Bradford district council elections.

Following changes in the law, anyone who is eligible to vote and whose name is on the electoral register can apply.

Bradford Council chief executive and election returning officer Ian Stewart said: "Under new Government legislation some voters are taking up the option of postal voting and there have been suggestions that the system could be open to abuse.

"I want to assure people that we will be taking measures to ensure the process is as fair as it possibly can be. If there is evidence or allegations of abuse, either in applications for postal votes or the way in which votes are submitted, these will be fully investigated."

Police spokesman Chief Supt Phil Read said: "We have been working closely with the council to make sure the local elections run smoothly and safely. The council and the police will be stringent over allegations of postal vote abuse. People must be aware that they should not let anyone else fill in their forms for them and they must sign and post the forms themselves. No one should interfere with anybody else's postal vote."

Bradford Council's elections unit is advising postal voters to mark their ballot paper in secret, have their identity confirmed by someone they trust and post the completed paper straight back.

The deadline for postal-vote applications is 5pm on Wednesday. Application forms are available from Keighley Town Hall. Anyone who has previously registered for a permanent postal vote does not need to re-apply.

Counting at the May 1 elections will take place at eight venues across the district, including Victoria Hall, in Keighley.

On police advice the public will be separated from the count, but will be able to view proceedings live on video screens at the venues.

Anyone wanting advice on voting procedures should phone 01274 431360.

* For a full round-up of election candidates in contested wards locally, don't miss next week's Keighley News.