Aspiring naval officers were on the crest of a wave when they were presented with a new canal cruiser.

Keighley Sea Cadets helped launch the latest addition to their training fleet at its naming ceremony at Skipton canal base.

The new cruiser, which has a capacity of eight, will be used on the Leeds-Liverpool Canal to help with the cadets' training and other events.

It will also be in operation at Easter when cadets will use it on an expedition as part of the Duke of Edinburgh awards.

The boat, named the Skipton Belle, was provided by Matthew Duxbury, whose grandmother Katherine Duxbury is a vice-president of the Sea Cadets.

Her husband Philip said: "The boat was given to the cadets by my grandson, who had been given it by a friend. He could not really make any use of it and thought it would be a superb asset for the cadets.

"This is going to be a very valuable asset for them.

"We are also extremely grateful for the generous donation from Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation."

The boat was named by Sarah Strickland, a trustee of the Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation, which donated nearly £5,000 to equip the boat.

She said: "This beautiful boat will be a great asset to all the nearby cadet units and give the young people involved valuable sailing experience." Their funding has helped rig the boat with a new engine and outboard motor as well as various items of equipment, including trailer covers and operating suits.

Also in attendance were the president of the Sea Cadets, John Briggs, and committee members, Keighley town Mayor Martin Leathley, Skipton mayor Andrew Rankine and chairman of Craven District Council Ken Hart.