THE Worth Valley bowling programme starts in earnest on Saturday with games in all three divisions -- together with a Doubles League programme.

The league's main sponsors for the 2003 season are Hotters Shoes Ltd and Cross Roads are one again hot favourites to win Division One, while newly promoted Steeton A and Cullingworth will have to fight hard to avoid going straight back down.

In Division Two Bradshaw A will be hoping for a quick return to Division One. Haworth look favourites to win Division Three.

The league runs 10 competitions and two team knockout events and boasts three veterans divisions which are well supported.

Early qualifiers in the Valley Cup are Lund A, Devon, Sutton A and Lund c.

The league also runs teams in the Federation with the Valley team now in Division Seven facing opponents Heavy Woollen, Rochdale Rockers and Bolton Belles.

The veterans team plays in Division Two against East Lancashire and South Derbyshire and also competes in the National Over-60s at Fox Lane Leyland, meeting -Doncaster, Bolton B, Warrington B and Wallassey.

The Skipton League starts on April 22 with the usual three division set up, knockout events and a variety of single competitions. Hard working Peter Haworth remains as secretary/treasurer to keep order!

Keighley A will be after the Division One title yet again and will no doubt find Silsden PF A their closest challengers. Trying to avoid the drop will be Lund A and Addingham who are both newly promoted.

In Division Two Silsden B could be planning a quick return to the top flight in an open division which could feature Haworth, Oakworth and Craven a in the final shake-up. Relegation could centre on the fortunes of Silsden PF C.

Keighley C and Cross Hills B will be well to the fore in Division Three. The inter-district team also continues, as do the veterans.

Cross Roads A have reached the last eight in the Hebden Sunday Morning knockout without bowling a wood after opponents Whins A could not raise a team.

Haworth began their season in Bradford's Division Three with several exciting games ahead and Oxenhope meet Whins Wood in the Aire/Wharfe League.

Dick Etherington, a popular figure with several clubs has passed away. Dick was well into his 90's and will be remembered for his long association with the Burgess Ford Car Company