A 25-year-old man was today found in a Bradford street with gunshot wounds to his legs.

Police received a call to the scene in the Horton Grange area of Bradford at 12.20am when residents reported seeing the man in the road after he had been shot.

Police and ambulance crews tended to the Bradford man at the scene in Waverley Road before he was taken to hospital where he was today under armed guard.

Two police officers also stood guard at the scene today and half of Waverley Road was cordoned off with tape.

During the night the street had been filled with residents who, disturbed by the gunshots, were trying to find out what had happened.

One said he woke up just after midnight to the sound of gunshots. He said: "There were three shots. I went outside and it seemed like the whole street was out.

"I was really shocked. You don't expect anything like this to happen round here because it's a very quiet neighbourhood.

"The police helicopter was flying around and police cars were arriving. It was chaos.

"Someone said they saw a man lying bleeding in the street but I didn't see anything.

"I don't think he was from around here."

Another Waverley Road resident said: "I heard lots of noise outside last night and thought someone was breaking into my garage.

"I went to check and saw people out on the street, then I heard what had happened.

"It's a big shock for everyone."

A resident from Waverley Avenue, which overlooks Waverley Road, said he had heard gunshots.

"There were two or three shots, it must have been around midnight. My wife went to the window and we could see people gathering along the street but we were too frightened to go out."

This morning the only activity was a lone postman making his way along the street, and a couple of residents who came out to chat to police officers manning the cordon. A police van arrived with more officers to patrol the area.

Police are not linking the shooting to any other incidents in the city at this stage.

A West Yorkshire Police spokesman said: "Police inquiries are continuing in the area today and we are appealing for any witnesses to the incident, or anyone in the area at the time, to contact Lawcroft House police station on (01274) 376259 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111."