Bradford homeowners admit that war has impacted on their spending.

But despite their fears Bradford folk still believe property is a strong future investment.

The Yorkshire Bank's latest Housebuyers survey showed that living in the shadow of war has got one in ten homeowners tightening their belts and considering their spending much more carefully, but as a longer-term investment, property is still leading the way as the safest place for savings for one in seven people.

Geoff Greer, Yorkshire Bank's chief operating officer, said: "The uncertainty around the situation in the Middle East has people feeling less confident about their job security and the outlook for both the UK and indeed the world economy long-term.

"Our latest survey shows significantly fewer people anticipate a pay rise or promotion to allow them to scale up the size of their property.

"The short-term effects of these findings may add to the cooling of property prices but our latest research does actually find more people are now planning to move this year than when we asked in January. "

One in six people, the bank's quarterly survey reveals, would choose to put their money into property rather than risk the stock market

But the bank's survey shows a downward shift in homeowners' confidence that the value of their homes will continue to rise.