Residents on two Shipley roads are angry at the mess left behind by Yorkshire Water contractors.

People living in Wensley Avenue and Leyburn Grove complained after oil was spilt on the road and about methods used by workers to clear it up.

Among those who complained were Carole Lee, Joanne Boldy and 70-year-old Cana Jovanovic. They claimed that repeated calls to Yorkshire Water had failed to get the problem sorted out.

Mrs Boldy said that following the oil spill a black substance was sprayed on the road and, when that failed to dry, it was covered with sand.

"Whatever they sprayed on the road stayed sticky, people were standing on it and it was coming up. Everything has been trailed into our houses and we can't let our children outside," she said.

"They've put the water rates up but they can't seem to come and clean the street properly. It's a disgrace."

Mrs Jovanovic said: "My husband is disabled and can't walk far. It's dangerous. They should clear up after themselves."

A spokesman for Yorkshire Water apologised for the inconvenience and said contractors had been working on the water mains in the area. They had been advised to spray the road following the oil spill but the treatment had proved unsuitable, so sand was then used.

A street cleaner had since been sent out and the company would continue working to ensure the street was returned to its original condition.