Street cleaners were returning to terraced streets in pairs today after the attack of a woman colleague.

Bradford Council has reviewed its working methods because of the incident in Bradford Moor eight days ago.

Police are investigating the incident involving a worker operating a mechanical street sweeper who was stopped by a gang of about eight youths.

She is said to have been dragged from the machine in the afternoon in Amberley Street and was left shocked and distressed by what happened.

Police are still appealing for help and asked witnesses to ring Bradford Police on (01274) 376459

Today, executive member for the environment, Councillor Anne Hawkesworth, said: "Street cleaning is being resumed but the operators will be working in pairs.''

More than 20 streets were made no-go areas while the Council and police made safety assessments of the area.

Coun Hawkesworth said as a result of the incident they had now adopted a policy where no employee worked alone in future.

She said: "We had to stop the service because we could not have our staff working in fear. But we have had a very good response from residents who have told us they are appalled about what has happened."

Coun Jeanette Sunderland, a member of the Regen 2000 board which is improving the area through a £28.5 million award from the Government's Single Regeneration Budget, said: "It is a very sad situation."

But she added the root of the problem was litter and the need to tackle it.

A police spokesman said: "Inquiries are continuing and we have been around the area with the complainants in an attempt to identify the persons responsible."