Bradford book shops are gearing up for Potter-mania - again! - as hundreds of people pre-order their copies of the fifth instalment of the boy wizard's adventures.

Waterstones have already received hundreds of orders for the new title - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - and have decided to open at 6am on the day the book hits the stores, Saturday, June 21.

Emily Hamer, manager of the shop in the former Wool Exchange, in Hustlergate, said: "Demand for this book is exceptional and interest in Bradford is high.

"We are taking a number of steps to ensure we can meet the requirements in Bradford, including regularly monitoring the pre-orders, opening early and having additional staff on duty.

"We have never seen anything like this and no book has ever created this much demand."

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix doesn't go on sale for another two months but fans are on the edge of their seats waiting to see what author JK Rowling has in store for their bespectacled hero.

The book is rumoured to contain a big surprise which turns Harry's world upside down.

Bradford's WH Smith - which has stores in Broadway and the Kirkgate Centre - is also being inundated with pre-orders.

Claire McCormick, sales assistant, said: "We've received more than 400 orders so far but we expect far more.

"It's not just children ordering the books, adults are hooked as well!

"The Harry Potter stories appeal to everyone and inspire the imaginations of people aged eight to 80."

Kirkgate WH Smith manager Paul Kenny said: "The distribution of the Harry Potter book is taken very seriously within the industry and all managers have had to sign a confidentiality declaration which prohibits them from opening the stocks of the new book before midnight on Saturday, June 21."

Reids book shop, of Keighley, claimed people who have ordered the book via the internet should prepare for disappointment.

"The publishers of Harry Potter, Bloomsbury, won't release the book any earlier to internet companies so people who have ordered the new edition over the internet may well receive their copies later than the day of release," manager Gerald Brooksbank said.

"If you want to get your copy on time we advise you to order from your local book shop."

The last edition, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, sold 372,000 copies during its first weekend on sale in Britain's shops but the forthcoming edition is set to outstrip that.

JK Rowling began writing the adventures of Harry Potter in 1990 and in 1997 the first edition was published.

The first Harry Potter novel - the Philosopher's Stone - was the fastest selling book of all time.

The author has made more than £15 million from the series.

And it's not just the books which get fans excited: WH Smith, in Bradford, has sold more than 800 copies of the second Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, on video and DVD in less than two weeks.