Towns and villages surrounding Leeds Bradford International Airport are being left out of the expansion consultation process, according to a community forum.

Neil Hunt, secretary of the Leeds Bradford Airport Community Forum, wants people in Otley and Wharfedale, Horsforth and Aireborough to submit their views on any expansion at the Yeadon based airport.

The forum is compiling its own response to the Government's Air Transport Review and Mr Hunt wants as many replies as possible to make the response fair.

The forum is a non-party political community group established after a meeting at Trinity and all Saints College, attended by more than 200 residents.

Mr Hunt has conducted a survey of 5,000 Horsforth and Rawdon households, which has produced more than 1,000 responses. He added that he wanted further responses to be as constructive and realistic as possible.

He said: "Town councils and community groups in the area have been invited to make a response, but not Otley or Horsforth.

"It is odd that the areas closest to the airport are being left out and we want to rectify that."

He added: "News about a new Yorkshire airport to be built on former RAF Finningley, which is 35 minutes from Leeds City Centre, has once again brought airport expansion issues to the fore.

"Leeds Bradford Airport's recent announcement of a large jump in passenger numbers demonstrates the accuracy of the various predictions. Our terms of reference are very clear and input from the public is of primary importance to us.

"Our public meetings have given us a good start, but we want to hear from as many people as possible. Views need not be either pro or anti airport, we just want to know what they are.

"The more information we can collate, the greater will be the credibility of our response."

You can send your views to Leeds Bradford Airport Community Forum, c/o Neil Hunt, P.O. Box 62, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6XQ, or by e- mail to

The forum's terms of reference can be viewed on its website at The forum would particularly like to receive views on the following topics:

l Aircraft noise.

l Night and early morning flying.

l Traffic and surface access issues.

l Parking provision.

l Use of Green belt for Airport expansion.

l Environmental and pollution issues.