A recording of Sting's Fields of Gold has put Annie Pratt well on the way to the Great Wall of China.

Annie, 41, of Billing View, Rawdon, is due to join a ten day charity trek along the Great Wall of China.

Before she goes in October, she needs to raise at least £3,000 for Cancer Research UK.

But after recording her own version of Fields of Gold, with donations from friends and family and by holding fundraising events, she is already £2,600 towards her goal.

Annie, a resource co-ordinator for IBM, Leeds, said: "I found out about Trek for Life on Cancer Research UK's website and decided to sign up immediately. So many people are touched by cancer and I want to do my bit to help fight this disease."

After signing up for the challenge, she started fundraising straight away including selling a CD she's made of the Sting song.

"My husband treated me to one of those Red Letter days where I went into a studio and recorded a CD. I used to sing in a few bands and always wanted to record my own CD. I then sold copies of it to my friends," she said.

The ten day trek will take Annie and her colleagues to Beijing where they will walk along the wall, visiting remote villages not normally seen by other tourists.

Each day will involve trekking for up to eight hours up hundreds of steps, but the hard work will be rewarded with amazing scenery and breathtaking views.

Annie, who has never tackled anything quite so strenuous before, added: "I'm quite nervous about the physical challenge but very excited and can't wait to get there."

With just a few months to go, Annie is preparing for the trip by walking and taking up step classes at her Esporta Gym in Cookridge.

Claire Bewell, part of Cancer Research UK's national events team, said: "Annie is doing a wonderful job with raising money to help Cancer Research UK continue its work.

" I've no doubt that she will have a fantastic time in China and hopefully her experiences will inspire other people to take the plunge and sign up for one of our ultimate challenges."

To find out more about the challenges call Cancer Research UK's national events hotline on (0870) 606 0016 or email ultimatechallenge@cancer.org.uk

Annie will be holding a fundraising coffee morning on Saturday, May 17, from 10am at St Peter's Church, Rawdon. Anyone wishing to sponsor her should contact her on (07753) 751891.