A slightly amended plan for Otley's proposed Sainsbury's store could be the answer to any traffic problems, it has been claimed.

In the light of the recent fire at the Old Tannery in Gay Lane, which abuts the proposed store site in Bondgate, a plan has been suggested using the cleared tannery site.

Retired architect Peter Kelley believes his plan, which shifts lorry access to Gay Lane, would be an improvement by removing potential traffic problems on Bondgate.

His plan also removes the need to replace Otley Fire Station and the Otley Centre of the Park Lane College, although it would mean the loss of the Kwik Fit repair centre in Bondgate.

Mr Kelley, who runs a working pottery shop in Bondgate and was formerly an architect with Bradford Council, said his scheme showed positive improvements to access for both service vehicles and customers' cars.

"By re-siting Kwik Fit adjacent to the west end of the proposed Sainsbury's building a much im-proved car park and customer access to the store for pedestrians will be achieved," he said.

Under Mr Kelley's plan the store would remain mainly in the same position, back from Bondgate, the design would also remain the same but the positioning would be changed to make access off Gay Lane through the old tannery building.

Pedestrian access would still be off Bondgate and there would be no need to find alternative accommodation for the Leeds City Council owned Park Lane College centre or for Otley Fire Station.

Mr Kelley, of Old Pool Bank, has also allowed for separate entrance and exits for the customer car park.

"The traffic engineers of Leeds City Council might wish to consider a new flow examination of both Bondgate and Kirkgate to accommodate the anticipated traffic increase, perhaps new traffic lights at the junction of Crossgate with Bondgate could ease congestion."

Mr Kelley has discussed his plan with Sainsbury's and has forwarded its representatives a copy of his scheme.

l Following the fire on April 10 at the Old Tannery, which is owned by Litton Properties - the developers acting on the behalf of Sainsbury's - a survey was carried out to assess the damage.

The results are due to be known next week when a decision will be made about the future of the tannery.

Sainsbury's plan for a store, about the same size as Otley Safeways, is currently being looked at by Leeds City Council. It is not due to be considered at next week's meeting of the Development Control Panel West.