In 1792, the French national anthem La Marseillaise was composed by Captain Rouget de Lisle.

In 1866, the secret society, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in the southern USA.

In 1970, China launched its first space satellite which broadcast the song The East is Red.

From the Telegraph & Argus of April 24th, 1978...

The last straw for a Bradford jeweller is the £1,000 theft he suffered last weekend. Now Mr K. Raper, who has a stall in the temporary John Street Market, is thinking of giving it up and concentrating on his shop in James Street, Bradford. The raid is the second £1,000 loss he has suffered recently. He was not insured for either loss, and they follow the disastrous John Street Market fire last year which wiped out Mr Raper's stall.

From the Telegraph & Argus of April 24th, 1953...

Wembley speedway team, six times First Division champions since 1946, visit Odsal on Saturday evening in the first home Coronation Cup match of the season (writes Boomerang). If Odsal win they will have achieved their first double of the season, for they beat the Lions last week. Odsal will rely on the team which lost narrowly at West Ham recently. Wembley have made a switch with one pair compared with their last clash against the Bradford men. Eric Williams will ride No. 5 and Bob Oakley No. 6 instead of vice-versa.