WHEN Ilkley couple John and Jenny Lambert met in 1939 at the age of 17 they could hardly have known that theirs was a union set to last.

On Monday, this week, the couple celebrated their Diamond Wedding, marking an incredible 60 years of marriage.

John and Jenny celebrated with a meal at The Black Horse in Askwith along with 30 family members, followed by a party afterwards.

Mr and Mrs Lambert, both 81, are still all smiles even after more than half a century together.

And among the many cards proudly displayed on the mantlepiece in their home on Little Lane, is a telegram of congratulations from the Queen.

The couple met through a friend when Jenny first moved to Ilkley from County Durham to work in the mill in Addingham.

"We got on well when we first met, but we've done nothing but argue ever since," Jenny laughed.

The pair were married in Otley Register Office in 1943. John was home on leave from the war where he was in the Royal Air Force. He had already been drafted to go abroad so the wedding was a bit of a rushed affair.

John said: "I already had a week off so I phoned up and said I was getting married so could I have another week off - and they said yes. So we had our honeymoon in Morecambe where I was based."

John was abroad for four years but Jenny kept busy working. She worked for a time at the Bluebird Caf - now turned into flats on The Grove.

On John's return he worked in engineering firms, for the council and as a cleaner for Middleton hospital. He still works now as well as doing his grandchildren's gardens.

Jenny said: "That's the secret of a good marriage - keep on the move."

John thinks the secret is more simple. "It's commonsense," he said. "Nowadays the young ones have an argument about the washing up and then that's it, the marriage is over."

The busy couple have a lot of fun together. Grand-daughter Sarah Lambert said: "They are the best of friends. They have lots of laughs. Grandad is a real entertainer and they are absolutely lost without each other."

John and Jenny have three children, six grandchildren and three great grandchildren, all who live in Ilkley and Burley-in-Wharfedale.

Far from being exhausted by them, the couple thrive on the company of the younger members of the family.

Sarah said: "Grandad will get down and roll around on the floor with the kids."

The couple were given a week's coach holiday to Paignton in Devon as a gift from their three sons.