NOT one of Ilkley's newest buildings has been deemed fit to receive the 2003 Design Award proffered by Ilkley Civic Society.

At the awards ceremony to be held tonight at Church House, Ilkley, only one award will be presented - the Conservation Award which goes to the conversion of Wells House at Ilkley College.

There were five buildings considered for the Design award: Abbeyfield Housing on Wells Road; the Quadrangle at Wells House; Miller Homes also at Wells House; the new All Saints School and the Ashlands School extension.

Although the executive committee said that all these entries had good points, they felt that each had enough detractions to deny them the award. Aspects of the management of the projects let them down.

Member of the Ilkley Civic Society executive committee Graham Peacock said: "Whilst there were good points about some of the projects, we considered the overall good standard wasn't sustained throughout the project.

"It is disappointing, especially as there have been so many new buildings in Ilkley over the last year. We were disappointed not to be able to make an award and, of course, hope to be able to make one next year."

David Blackburn, also a member of the society executive committee said: "All of the new buildings in the Design Award category had good points but none merited the award.

"Obviously we want to encourage new design and it is nice to see so many new buildings going up in Ilkley. It was just details that detracted from the projects."

In the Conservation category the society had a bigger range of projects to look at and named Wells House as the award recipient.

The committee gave reasons for the decision as: 'sensitive treatment of the outside of the building, the considerable amount of thought going into the decision eventually not to clean the stonework of the building and the repair or exact replacement of the original windows retaining the fine glazing bars'.