SKATEBOARDERS are joining forces with Ilkley In Bloom to protect plants from thieves.

The teenagers, who congregate in the centre of the town, have been asked to report anything suspicious as they practise their skills near the scene of previous thefts.

Their help was enlisted after green-fingered thieves struck twice within a week - removing herbs from boxes on the Grove Promenade.

The display of rosemary and thyme was carefully dug up and removed just days before the spring judging of Yorkshire In Bloom. And when the plants were replaced, the thieves came back and helped themselves again.

The Ilkley In Bloom group, which spends about £1,000 a year on displays, says the herbs will not be replaced again until funds allow it.

Chairman Tony Gilroy told the Gazette: "We have to raise all that money ourselves and it is quite a significant amount."

He stressed: "It would be quite wrong to say this sort of thing was a big problem in Ilkley - but it does happen occasionally. When plants are in open boxes there is not really a lot you can do about it - you just have to trust people.

"I have asked the skateboarders to keep their eyes open and let me know if they see anything. Whoever it is, I think it just someone who fancies having a herb garden."

l Sneak thieves have been taking advantage of the recent good weather by making off with property as householders enjoyed the sunshine.

Now police are warning the public to be security conscious at all times after a spate of walk-in burglaries in the Ilkley area.

Sergeant Esther Hobbs said that five homes in Ilkley and Ben Rhydding had fallen prey to burglars in just one day as temperatures rose last week. However, she stress that residents could protect their property with simple security measures.

She said: "It has been lovely weather and everyone has been out in the garden, and unfortunately that has meant that people have been quite blase about locking things such as sheds, garages and patio doors.

"Burglaries are not top of the agenda when you just want to get outside sunbathing. But I want to appeal to people to keep doors and windows locked, even in summer."

Sgt Hobbs stressed: "These sneak-in burglars are just looking for opportunities - so if you don't give them the opportunity then they can't burgle you..

"It is about taking responsibility for yourself - and really it is so easy to be one step ahead.

"Obviously there are people in Ilkley with lovely big houses and big gardens, and the only way to protect such a big perimeter area is to keep the doors and windows locked."

Sgt Hobbs said that burglars sometimes targeted areas like Ilkley, which they saw as easy pickings. She said the area was so nice that it was easy for householders to be lulled into a false sense of security.