A new scheme aimed at getting former drug users back to work has been hailed a success.

Progress2work - a Government initiative pioneered in Bradford - has been running in the district for 12 months.

So far, 140 people have taken part in the programme, 15 of them have found work and 62 have started training courses.

Specially trained staff from Jobcentre Plus and the Cathedral Centre have worked together to help former addicts transform their lives by finding - and keeping - permanent jobs.

Michelle Collins, who co-ordinated the project for Jobcentre Plus, said: "Employment is considered to be one of the major factors in permanently steering people away from drugs.

"In the first year of progress2work we have learned many lessons, the main one being don't be afraid to be innovative. We have a flexible project where the needs of the individual are paramount and often outside existing Jobcentre Plus boundaries.

"The second major lesson we have learned is that we have only been successful where we have worked closely with other key agencies, particularly drug treatment services and probation. Without their help, guidance and trust the project would have failed."

She said the scheme was 'revolutionary' for Jobcentre Plus because it provided help not normally associated with the organisation's services, including help with housing. People who got jobs through scheme also had a mentor to work with them for the first three months to help them cope.

Among those helped by the project is a 31-year-old mum whose life was turned upside down by a six-year battle with drugs. She has embarked on IT training after being referred to progress2work by a drugs project and does not have to worry about the youngest of her four children because the Cathedral Centre has childcare facilities.

"Progress2work has helped me get some structure in my life. My child is in a nursery for four days a week. The programme has given me a reason to get out of bed because I know I have something to do that I really enjoy," said the mum, who did not want to be named.

"I am gaining confidence as well as qualifications. It has changed my life completely. There are always people to talk to for help and advice. Hopefully soon I will be going to work every day."

Jobcentre Plus and the Cathedral Centre are currently developing progress2work to help others who struggle to find work, including the homeless, alcohol misusers and offenders.