Heaven's above! A Bradford vicar is praying his split loyalties don't get in the way when the Bulls take on the Rhinos in the Challenge Cup final on Saturday.

While many parishioners at St Paul's Church in Birkenshaw also worship at the temple of Odsal, their vicar, the Reverend Steven Mitchell (pictured), is not only a Leeds Rhinos fan - he is also the club chaplain.

But Mr Mitchell believes his flock are taking a light-hearted approach to the West Yorkshire clash at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff.

"There are a lot more Bulls fans than Rhinos, of course, but we do have a mixture of Bradford, Leeds and Kirklees addresses", he said.

"People are generally looking forward to what should be a competitive local derby game," he said diplomatically.

And he doesn't think there will be any chance of some gentle ribbing between himself and his congregation before the big kick off.

"There are members of my congregation who will be going down as Bulls fans, but no, we won't be meeting - I'll be with the Rhinos before and after the game."

Born in Ossett, Mr Mitchell was introduced to Rugby League at the age of five by his father, Harold, who turned down three professional team contracts because of the lack of financial stability the game offered.

Initially following Dewsbury, the vicar later followed Leeds during their heyday in the seventies as a teenager and has been stuck with them ever since.

Despite being second favourites, Mr Mitchell is typically bullish about the Rhino's chances..

"I'm looking forward to it enormously," he said. "If both teams play well it should be a great spectacle for the fans - and of course, I expect us to win!"

And he is sure to incur the wrath of his congregation with his prediction.

"Leeds by 10 points, I think."

Having become the Rhino's chaplain in 2001, Mr Mitchell believes he has been able to bring "something a bit different" to the club - and recommends the Bulls should try doing the same.

"It's a spiritual role," he said. "It's knowing that pastorally, someone's there - a confidant and friend of the club, and someone around who's also objective and neutral.

"Chaplains can offer an overall support to the club."

But some Bulls fans may argue that even support from higher places won't help their rivals come Saturday.