A man trying to serve legal documents at a house in Bradford had a gun pointed at his head after a heated row broke out last night.

The man, who works for a firm of Bradford solicitors, had earlier been to the house, in Park Drive, Heaton, to try to serve the papers but was forced to return later to try again.

But as the man tried to hand the documents over the homeowner became upset and an argument broke out between the pair.

The homeowner allegedly told his child to go inside and bring a gun back out.

It is believed the gun - thought to be capable of firing blanks - was pointed at the legal official's head.

He contacted his girlfriend on his mobile phone to tell her he was in trouble and she called the police.

Unarmed officers went to the street at about 9.30pm and spoke to a man about the incident.

The legal worker was shaken but unharmed in the incident.

A man was today in custody at Lawcroft House, Bradford, and was being questioned by detectives about threats to kill.