Otley is suffering from a -spate of vicious arson attacks- and it seems unless those responsible are caught red-handed there is little anyone can do. Even when they are seen, it is not everyone who is willing to give evidence - after all, who wants to run the risk of having their own home the target of a fire?

The police and the firefighters have a seemingly impossible job. They can't be everywhere, guarding every empty building and rubbish bin in the town, but with fires being reported at the rate of four within an hour, it must only be a matter of time before someone is hurt - and we are not just talking about the near destruction of the old tannery, one of Otley's last remaining industrial buildings.

People in the town are being urged to be vigilant and report immediately anyone they see acting suspiciously. It is the only way these menaces will be stopped.

l Cattle and sheep are to make a very welcome return to Otley show next month. In a little more than three weeks' time Otley Show - the first and oldest show of its kind in the North - will go ahead at Bridge End.

The devastating effects of the foot and mouth epidemic of two years ago was felt by not only farmers, but also so many other businesses. Last year's show went ahead - but without cattle and sheep and the low turnout was an indication of how many people go just to see livestock. Let's hope that this year's show will enjoy not only brilliant weather, but record crowds. It could just be the perfect start to the Otley show season.

l It's great to see so many people willing to trade in a week's holiday basking on a beach somewhere to tackling mountains all in the cause of a charity. Everyone wins, not only does the fundraiser get a lot more out of it than sunburn, but the charities concerned get more money and a lot of positive publicity.