The Mediterranean market which has been tickling the tastebuds of Bradford shoppers in the Oastler Centre is an excellent idea. It is good to see the retail sector in this city being more ambitious, cosmopolitan and sophisticated and demonstrating that anything Leeds can do, Bradford can do too.

Continental markets like this are good for the city's self-image as well as for its reputation in the wider world. They bring in people who might otherwise be tempted to go elsewhere. And the Oastler Centre, with its wide range of businesses, is a useful venue for them.

However, while not wanting to steal any of the thunder from that excellent retail site - which since the extensive refurbishment has become a real asset to the city centre - it would be good to see similar markets in other locations.

Centenary Square, for example, would be an ideal place for regular themed open-air markets. It is close to other city-centre shops and will be within easy level walking distance of the Broadway/Forster Square development when it comes. So would St Blaise Square next to Forster Square station, with its arched alcoves which could accommodate stalls whatever the weather.

There is always a danger, of course, that these events could be taken over by the sort of traders who sell their wares at car-boot sales and regular street markets. That is not what Bradford needs and care must be taken to prevent it happening.

The Mediterranean event is part of a move upmarket which needs to be maintained as the city centre heads towards a bright new era.