A proposed new law to prevent major retailers opening on Christmas Day has won support from Keighley shoppers.

Most members of the public interviewed by the Keighley News agreed that stores should not be allowed to trade on December 25.

Currently stores are permitted to open, unless Christmas Day falls on a Sunday.

But now the Government -- keen to preserve the special nature of Christmas Day and prevent companies bowing to competitive pressures -- is planning legislation and is seeking public comment. The ban would apply to shops with a floor area of over 3,000 sq ft.

Matthew Lockwood, 22, an account manager from Steeton, said: "There is no way I would ever work Christmas Day, I'm not sure I would be able to as the celebrations start on Christmas Eve for me!" A retired Bradley resident told the Keighley News: "I don't think stores should open on Christmas Day. Everyone should be at home."

A Fell Lane resident said: "I can't imagine people shopping on Christmas Day. I think Christmas is something special."

But electrician Jeff New, from Long Lee, said: "I think stores should be able to open whenever they want."

Retailers were consulted by the Government last year about their festive plans.

Most said they would not be trading on Christmas Day, but added that if rivals decided to open their businesses they might review their strategy.

Anyone wishing to comment on the proposals should write to David Swepson, Consumer and Competition Policy Directorate, Room V 426, Department of Trade and Industry, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET, by July 2.