A group of friends, whose relatives died at Manorlands hospice, are delighted the home has overturned its decision to fill in and get rid of its pond.

The Sue Ryder Care Home, at Hebden Road, Oxenhope, had been looking at new options for the pond, which is in its grounds.

But after members of the group made their reservations known, the hospice has virtually assured them the pond will remain as long as new safety measures are put in place.

Joan Smith, of Harewood Rise, Bogthorn, Keighley, said she had been very disappointed with the initial decision.

She said: "We go up to the centre and sit by the pond to mourn our loved ones.

"There are six of us who go up nearly every day. We just could not believe the decision to fill in the pond.

"We all like to go and peacefully sit there. I personally try to go there every day but some of the group cannot.

"But it is somewhere for us to go where we feel peaceful and we can especially look at the window where our loved ones used to be."

Mrs Smith was relieved that a compromise had been reached.

She added: "If we can raise some money then it is all well and good. I am pleased that they have decided to keep the pond."

Centre manager Sue Hesse said they had listened to the group's disappointment and were hoping to refill the pond.

She said: "A few days ago we had to empty the pond for it to be cleaned. We needed to do something with the pond as regards to its safety and it was a perfect opportunity to do it.

"We will keep the pond empty until we decide exactly what to do with it."

She said the home was looking at destroying the pond because it was too dangerous, especially for children and wheelchairs.

She added: "It now seems 99.9 per cent certain that we will be having it back as a pond. We are looking at putting a net over the water or finding some other solution to make it less dangerous."