Two fat ladies are helping a 95-year-old Silsden woman stay sharp and sprightly.

Linda Simpson has been playing bingo most of her life and never misses a trip to Keighley's Gala Club.

Although she can no longer play with six bingo cards at a time she still goes along three times a week.

Mrs Simpson said: "That's why I come -- it keeps my brain going."

Mrs Simpson said she had been playing bingo at the Alice Street club -- under its various names -- for more than 40 years. She said: "I used to come every day. I love my bingo -- all I live for is my bingo."

Mrs Simpson was born in Durham and lived in Leeds before meeting her late husband Thomas Simpson.

The pair took on a farm in Lothersdale 57 years ago and had three daughters, June, Angela and Yvonne. Mrs Simpson now has six grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

David Spencer, manager of Keighley's Gala Club, said many pensioners like Mrs Simpson went along as much for the social aspect as the chance to win.