UFO sightings in the Keighley area are to be spotlighted on national TV.

Expert Nigel Mortimer ( pictured) -- who lives in the Bracken Bank area -- will debate local phenomena next week on top daytime programme This Morning.

Keighley is now recognised as a UFO hotspot, with dozens of sightings being reported over the years.

Recent sightings in the district have included a craft which had landed at Cononley. Human-type figures could be seen inside the glass dome-like structure.

The report is currently being investigated by a Lancashire-based group of the Northern UFO Network.

Mr Mortimer said: "I am not directly involved in the investigation, but the sighting - early last month - has been mentioned at a conference in Blackpool.

"Back in 1994, the same type of craft was seen by two taxi drivers on Otley Chevin.

"The area around Keighley is still very prevalent for UFO sightings. Around 50 a year are reported and these are substantial cases rather than just lights in the sky. But a lot of people are reluctant to come forward for fear of looking daft, so the actual number of sightings is probably much higher."

Mr Mortimer's own interest in UFOs began after he experienced a sighting in 1980. For much of the last 20-plus years he has been an investigator, but now concentrates his efforts on the psychic side.

He is to give a series of lectures at the High Spirits shop, in Low Street, Keighley, starting tomorrow with "UFOs -- Activating Dimensional Doorways". Admission to the 8pm talk is £3.

Further lectures are to be held on July 12 and September 13.

For more details phone the shop on 01535 669848 or Mr Mortimer on 01535 605997.