A CONISTON Cold hotel is reaching for the skies with its new venture, launched this week.

Coniston Hall Hotel has added the Cumbrian Falconry Experience to its already impressive list of on-site activities.

The new facility boasts more than 50 birds of prey, ranging from large eagles and incredibly fast falcons to hawks and owls.

It is just the latest idea to bring visitors to the Coniston Hall Estate, which has been home to the Bannister family for more than 30 years.

Managing director Tom Bannister said: "We were already offering falconry to our corporate customers on an ad-hoc basis but decided that the time was right to open our own on-site centre.

"In doing so we also wanted to ensure that we developed packages suitable not only for the corporate market but for families and hotel guests as well.

"The falconry experience at Coniston is designed to maximise participation as opposed to just watching. Everyone taking part will experience the thrill of birds flying to their own gloved fists."

There are various packages on offer, starting with a one-hour introductory lesson.

Described as ideal for novices, children and families, this is a chance to meet the birds at close quarters and learn a little about falconry.

For something a bit more advanced, the hotel has organised a series of hawk walks lasting between one and three hours.

In the company of an experienced falconer, participants can see the hawks flying in their natural environment. They will land on your glove and fly back to the trees time and time again.

Falconry enthusiasts wanting to delve even deeper into the subject can sign up for a course of either one, two or five days. Hunting days and experience days can also be arranged.

"The hotel's 1,200-acre grounds are ideal for introductory lessons, flying displays and walks through the woods with the birds," said Mr Bannister.

"We feel the falconry centre also complements the other outdoor activities we provide on site by offering a different kind of experience.

"It is suitable for all ages and offers the chance to interact with these stunning birds in a natural environment."

Visitors to the hotel already have the chance to try their hand at shooting on grounds equipped to international standards or fly fishing on the River Aire and the hotel's 24-acre lake.

In addition, the Land-Rover experience was introduced last October. One of only eight or nine throughout the country, the venture allows visitors to enjoy the thrills of off-road driving in a controlled environment.

To find out more call the hotel on 01756 748080