Detectives were today continuing their hunt for arsonists who tried to burn down a Keighley restaurant.

Firefighters from Keighley attended the blaze at the Balti Chef restaurant in the Caven-dish Court complex, Lawk-holme Lane, at 4.10am on Saturday.

After forcing entry into the restaurant, the crew had to use breathing apparatus to tackle the fire.

There was extensive smoke damage to the bar and dining areas of the restaurant.

Det Insp Trevor Gasson, of Keighley CID who is leading the investigation, said the fire was started in several places with an accelerant.

He said: "This was a deliberate attempt to destroy the business.

"We are treating this fire as suspicious, and believe it may have been burning for some time before it was detected.

"We want to hear from anyone who has any information. They may have seen someone carrying a canister in the early hours of Saturday morning, or they may know someone who came home smelling of smoke.

"We are following a number of leads but do not believe it was racially motivated, or carried out by a customer who had a particular grievance against the restaurant."

Anyone with information should contact Det Con Tim Lofthouse on (01535) 617083.