Boasting his new Bulls-colours bouffant, Lesley Vainikolo was only too happy to sign autographs for his adoring fans.

The giant Tongan winger decided to colour his flowing locks to mark the special occasion of a Challenge Cup Final in Cardiff's Millennium Stadium against arch rivals Leeds Rhinos.

It was a gesture of loyalty to Bradford that was joyfully welcomed by the 250 fans who turned up at Odsal to give the players a royal send-off for their journey to Cardiff.

"I have meaning to do this for a while," said the Volcano, who has become a firm fans' favourite ever since he first squeezed his giant frame into a Bulls shirt last January.

"I was just waiting for the right time - and I think a final against our local rivals counts as the right time."

And all those, young and old, who were there to wave the coach off for the four-and-a-half hour trip to Wales clearly believe this is not the only right time, but the perfect time.

"It's good to see him showing such loyalty to the club," said Mark Caswell, 15, of Bingley.

"I think he loves the club almost as much as we do. This is such a big game for everyone and it is good that he is keeping his sense of humour."

Every conceivable piece of Bulls-branded clothing was on show as fans flocked to the club's spiritual home to ensure the players were given the best possible send off.

And the players, clearly grateful at the level of commitment, were only to happy to sign autographs and chat to the fans.

The kit was loaded on and the players took their regular places on the coach, with the inspirational Jimmy Lowes taking his usual spot behind the driver to assist with directions and the choice of videos.

The driver, die-hard Bulls fan Stephen Lookes, probably wasn't in need of too much help with the route.

Although he has not taken the Bradford side before, he once drove the Welsh team to Cardiff Arms Park, adjacent to the Millennium Stadium.

The driver who normally steers the Bulls to away games is, ironically, taking the Leeds side down to the Principality, but Stephen is only too happy to step in.

"It is quite an honour really," he said. "I just hope I can get a ticket for the game. It hasn't been sorted out yet, but as I am driving into the Stadium itself on the Saturday I am sure they will let me stay.

"I think we will win this one. It will be tough, but I think we can topple them in the second-half."

To much cheering, clapping and waving of 'good luck' signs, the coach departed, five minutes later than planned due to Brian Noble taking longer over his pre-journey lunch than usual.

Those that turned up at Odsal will be keeping fingers, toes and dreadlocks crossed that they get to line the streets again, this time in greater numbers, to welcome the lads back home triumphantly on Sunday.