KEIGHLEY CATS rugby league star Sarah Shillito (pictured right) has been selected as part of the squad preparing to represent Great Britain on a tour of New Zealand later this year.

During the tour the national side will compete in the second women's World Series when at least seven nations will be taking part.

"It is a real opportunity to put the game of Women's Rugby League on the map and will be the biggest international competition in the history of the women's game," said GB team manager Andy McDonald.

Despite the high profile of the tour the squad is not getting any money from the Rugby Football League, or Sport England. Players and the organising committee are having to raise the estimated £80,000 cost of the tour and have appealed for sponsors to help.

"Sponsorship is needed not only to enable the tour to go ahead, but to help the team fulfil their goal of winning the World Series.

"We also want to ensure the squad is well prepared and need to get together as often as possible with the best facilities and equipment," Andy McDonald said.

To help meet the cost every player and official is also having to raise a minimum of £1,000 as their individual contribution to the cost of the tour. Players and officials are also taking time of work to take part in the competition.

"As you can imagine this is not the way national squads of other sports operate, but if the tour is to go ahead this is the only way we can achieve our objective," he said.

Sarah has had a superb season with the Cats, helping them to the women's Challenge Cup final and is part of the squad from which the final GB selection will be made.

Further details of tour and player sponsorship are available from Andy McDonald on 07764-290374.