A 39-year-old man who had sex with an under-age girl has been jailed by a judge for two years.

Stephen Burke, of no fixed abode, also admitted indecently assaulting the teenager on two previous occasions and Judge Geoffrey Kamil said there had been some element of grooming in his offending.

Bradford Crown Court heard yesterday that the girl, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, complained about Burke to a relative last October, but she was too distressed to complete a police interview. When Burke was questioned by police he confessed to indecently touching the girl and having sex with her until she told him to stop because it was hurting.

Prosecutor Richard Clews said Burke claimed the previous incidents of "fumbling'' had taken place with the girl's consent and he believed she had enjoyed it.

He also claimed the girl was willing to have sex with him at least until she said no and asked him to stop.

Burke pleaded guilty in January to an offence of indecent assault and a further charge of having unlawful sexual intercourse with the girl.

His barrister David McGonigal pointed out that Burke had already been in custody since his arrest last October and had served the equivalent of a 12-month sentence. He argued that he should receive credit for his admissions at the earliest opportunity, particularly bearing in mind there was no other evidence against him.

Mr McGonigal said his client needed assistance and the court could provide that through a rehabilitation order which included attendance on a sex offender programme.

But Judge Kamil told Burke: "What causes me the gravest of concern is really what is said in the pre-sentence report...one can see the risk clearly outlined so far as you're concerned with regard to the possibility of further sex offending and the treatment that's clearly needed.''

He stressed that he was not dealing with him for a one-off offence, but for matters which appeared to involve some element of grooming.

"I take the view that despite the fact that you have been in custody since the end of October these are serious offences and that period of custody is by no means sufficient to cover the gravity of this series of offences.''

In addition to the two-year jail sentence Burke will also be subject to an extended period of licence following his release and he must also register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.