Skateboarders and residents have formed an unusual alliance - to get the youngsters off the streets.

The youngsters want a home to practise their tricks and skills, while the residents want peace and quiet back on the streets of Sandy Lane, near Cottingley.

And so a petition has been launched to help get a skateboard park in the area.

The group has already collected more than 150 signatures from residents and expect to collect even more before they hand their petition into Bradford Council this week.

The group think Greenwood Park could be an ideal location because it is currently under-used and it is not overlooked by any houses.

"All my friends live for skateboarding, it is our passion" said Peter Needham, 13, of Spring Street.

"There are loads of kids around here who would use the facility if we had one and it would mean that we're not upsetting the older people and would have a safe place to skate."

Residents fear skateboarding in the street is a danger to everyone.

Sandy Lane residents are fed up with the skateboarders using the streets as a playground and welcome and support their decision to be proactive and approach the Council for an authorised area for skating.

Resident Nigel Austin, 36, is one of those who have signed the petition.

"I have complained to the children on numerous occasions about their skateboarding antics. I know it's not their fault they only want to have some fun but it needs to be in a suitable area and that is not outside our houses."

It was Peter who thought up the idea of organising a petition.

"All of the community are complaining about us, so we decided we had to do something positive about it.

"We want some space to skateboard where we won't upset anyone," he said.

Bradford Council said the petition would be looked at once it was received.

"Once we have received it their request will be considered by the Bradford West Area Committee, in line with the Council's procedures," a Council spokesman said.