Young friends of a boy who died under the wheels of a lorry have been adding the finishing touches to a community garden created in his memory.

Welcome signs and flowers have been added to the garden, at the entrance to Ravenscliffe estate on Harrogate Road.

It was created by friends and neighbours of Kyle Davies, 13, who died while riding his bike in February last year.

For weeks after his death, Kyle's mother Joanne would sit by the spot where he died in Harrogate Road.

Last autumn neighbours transformed a piece of run-down open land into a pretty community garden in Kyle's memory, funded by a £15,000 grant from the Newlands Partnership.

Now the garden has become a focal point of the neighbourhood and new signs and a plaque have been added to it.

A competition was held at the PlaySafe children's group, based at Ravenscliffe Enterprise Centre, for children to design signs for the garden.

The winning design, by six-year-old Danny Auckland, says Welcome to Ravenscliffe.

And a plaque bearing Kyle's name has been installed on one of the benches.

"Everyone comments on how nice the garden looks. It makes people feel better about coming into the estate, it's had a positive psychological benefit for people round here," said Eric Henderson, one of the volunteers behind the project.

"Kyle's mum says it has made her feel much better to visit the garden. It was horrible watching her sitting by the road after he died.

"The garden is used at all times of the day and night. I've seen people sitting there at 7am, waiting for buses. Taxi drivers often have a break there, and the other day there was a businessman sitting on a bench with a picnic on his lap!

"People hear so much about the negative things on this estate but the community has a lot of pride in this garden, especially the children who've been up there planting flowers and helping to look after them."

Kyle's mother said it was a comfort to have somewhere dedicated to him. "He was very well known and it's nice people can visit the garden, lay flowers and think of him," she said.