SIR - Although on numerous occasions this year we have offered through the Telegraph & Argus a free neutering scheme to cat owners on low income we don't seem to have reached the "human cuckoos" who seem to still let their cats produce litters of kittens just to give them away to friends, relatives or worst of all those pet shops who still sell them on to anyone with enough money to buy them.

Though most pet shops have seen the good sense to refuse to sell kittens and puppies there are still a few whol sell them like products.

When will people learn that there are not enough good homes for these poor creatures which go to people with no gardens, next to busy main roads or areas where dogs in packs kill or maim them.

Please if you have an un-neutered cat over four months old ring us and let's stop these kittens being born in Bradford, Capital of Cruelty, for the last two years.

Telephone (01274) 487546 if you care.

Jenny Sampson, Cat Rescue, Rossmore Drive, Allerton.

SIR - Yet again you have been written to about the subject of the traffic on Highfield Road, Idle.

It is many years since I had a letter in your paper about this road, but of course nothing has been done. Since then the traffic has increased many times.

I have lived here for a very long time and seen how it has become worse. If it is correct that the Council are going to resurface the road, it would be the right time to put double yellow lines, or make a proper crossing on the road - two, in fact, one by the school and the other opposite the shops!

I have rung the Council but received no satisfaction.

Perhaps if many people in the area did something about it, miracles may come about.

Mrs Mary Beveridge, Willowfield Crescent, Bradford.

SIR - As founder and secretary of what was the Retired People's Action Group/Forum, it is necessary to inform all our members that we have adopted a new constitution and name "Forum Focussed on Pensioner Power". Copies can be obtained from the address below.

We believe that in order to serve the interests of all our members it is necessary to create a broad alliance of groups within the area. With the considerable help of the Social Services, Community Network and Bradford Alliance and Community Care, for whom we are attending a conference for Better Government for Older People in May, we wish to acknowledge their considerable help.

We wish to thank Social Services for providing a central venue at St George's Hall, so we can take refreshments in very pleasant and accessible surroundings, but also share our thoughts and ambitions with those eager to share experiences. There is strength in unity!

Audrey Raistrick (secretary, Forum Focussed on Pensioner Power), 29 Westgate, Victoria Road, Bradford, BD2 2DH.

SIR - I was pleasantly surprised and excited to become eligible recently for a bus pass before the age of 65 but was dismayed when I used the permit on a First Bradford bus to discover that although the fare for myself was 30p the fare for my dog was 40p, which does not make any sense at all.

Why is it that Wakefield was able to abolish charges for dogs on their buses last year yet Bradford once again appears to be behind the times and in fact has just increased the fares?

Peter Milligan, Highfield Road, Idle.

SIR - I take offence at the letter from John Haigh (April 9) in which he claims hunting people, whatever their background, are no different to people who do not hunt.

Anyone who can see an animal chased to the point of exhaustion then watch it being torn to bits by a pack of dogs is in my opinion in a class of his or her own and not be confused with the majority of the population who abhor blood sports and totally oppose them.

John Clements, Lodore Avenue, Bradford.