Around 400 business leaders from across the country are taking a flight of fantasy into Bradford - to learn how to make a difference.

The managers and company directors will be attending a series of seminars and theatrical events at the Abundant Life Centre tomorrow.

Unusually, those attending will find themselves 'flying Business Class' as the theme of flight re-emerges throughout the free day-long event.

The day has been organised by theatrical communications company CragRats Ltd.

Dave Bradley, Business Director of CragRats, said; "Our staff tell us that the purpose of our company is to make a difference.

"We want to show other businesses and organisations how they can tap into this key value with their staff and customers by reflecting on the difference that they as business leaders, with their companies, can make to our society through new altruism."

Throughout the day there will be presentations, workshops, conferencing and networking, where delegates will be able to discover innovative ways to make a difference in the areas of personal and staff development, corporate social responsibility and educational programmes.

Management seminars will be also held to try unlock potential in individuals and organisations alike.

The seminars will cover topics such as your personal purpose, encouraging others to make a difference, daring to be different, driving cultural unity and making a difference to your community.

The event is targeted at company directors, marketing managers, sales managers, senior executives of local authorities and educational bodies, health service professionals, training managers and HR personnel.