The man who made a crucial breakthrough in the hunt for the Yorkshire Ripper has died.

Professor Stuart Kind, 78, was called in by the Home Office to help track the notorious killer.

Using skills learned as a navigator in the RAF, Prof Kind plotted the pattern of attacks and deduced that the killer lived between Shipley and Bingley.

Two weeks later Bingley-born Peter Sutcliffe, who lived in Heaton, Bradford, was arrested in Sheffield.

Prof Kind was born in Nottingham and joined the Home Guard aged 16, before serving with the RAF.

He became a forensic scientist in 1952, finishing as head of the forensic science lab in Wetherby.

Prof Kind lived in Harrogate and is survived by his wife, Evelyn. They have two sons and a daughter.

The funeral is being held tomorrow at Christ Church, Harrogate.