Paintings by an artist who spent three months on the streets of Bradford are to go on display in London.

Andrew Gifford spent last winter in Bradford and Leeds creating a series of paintings of the two cities - including two featuring Leeds Road and Great Horton Road.

He quit the city in December to return to his home in South-West France, where he spent five months completing the works of art.

Now his paintings, which could fetch up to £30,000, are going on display at the John Martin Gallery in Chelsea as part of artLondon from June 4 to 8.

Julian Wilde, gallery administrator, said: "Andrew spent much of his time in the cold on the street, and probably became a familiar sight in Leeds Road and Great Horton Road.

"He is very analytical and will stand on the same spot for hours, waiting for the light to change so he can continue.

Mr Gifford, 33, from Middlesbrough, is said to be regarded as one of the country's most exciting and innovative young painters.

He has held two exhibitions in the Fruitmarket Gallery in Edinburgh and was profiled in a half-hour documentary on BBC2 in 1998.

It had been hoped that his latest paintings could be exhibited in Yorkshire, but a venue could not be found.

Anyone who buys a painting will be asked to loan it back for any future exhibition in the region.