A woman today told how a barefaced burglar strolled into her living room as she watched television and walked out with her handbag and purse.

The cocky thief even thanked stunned Janet Fenton, 46, as she watched him take the items before strolling out of the door of her village home. And it emerged the burglar and his accomplice had even chatted to Mrs Fenton's neighbours who complained that their getaway car was blocking their drive.

Mrs Fenton was watching television as she waited for her 20-year-old son to return home from a night out on Sunday when the burglar struck. She had left the front door unlocked so he would be able to get back in.

At around 10.30pm, Mrs Fenton heard a car pull up outside her home in Croft Row, Denholme. Thinking it was her son being dropped off, she didn't look up until after the front door had been opened.

"He was coming in fairly quickly but certainly not violently, and he seemed very confident," said Mrs Fenton.

"I was in disbelief. At first I thought it was a joke. He just picked up my bag in one hand and my purse in the other, said 'Thanks, love' and walked off."

The man was seen getting into a small white car being driven by a second man, described as bald and in his 40s.

The burglar got away with around £120 and credit cards, but Mrs Fenton said it was his brazen attitude which left her stunned.

The intruder was described as in his late teens, about 5ft 6ins and wearing a hat and scarf and black bomber jacket.

Anyone with information should contact Sergeant Andy Garnett on (01535) 617083.