Counterfeit goods with a street value of £500,000 were seized in a swoop on a Sunday market in Bradford.

About 15,000 items, including CDs, DVDs, computer games, Bollywood films and pornographic videos were taken from nine stalls at Cannon Mills shopping complex in Great Horton Road after tip-offs from other traders.

The raid was carried out by Bradford North Police community safety team, West Yorkshire Trading Standards Service, the British Phonographic Industry's Anti-Piracy Unit, and the Federation Against Counterfeit Theft.

A man and a woman from Leeds, both aged 18, were arrested in connection with the matter and later freed on police bail while officers make further inquiries.

Sergeant Paul Hepworth, of Bradford North Police's community safety team, said "This was an excellent example of different agencies coming together to tackle suspected illegal activity."

Cannon Mills has more than 100 traders and a number of shops which open seven days a week.

Graham Hebblethwaite, West Yorkshire Trading Standards' divisional manager, said the complex had been put under surveillance after complaints were received about the sale of counterfeit goods.

"The majority of material that was captured were Playstation games - they're so compact you can get hundreds of them in a suitcase," he said. "But CDs, DVDs and Bollywood films were also taken. One of the complaints which put us on to this came from another trader selling Bollywood titles."

Mr Hebblethwaite said separate teams raided each stall so traders could not pack up their goods and escape if they saw other traders being questioned.

But he today warned that market traders across the city were continuing to suffer because of the vast number of counterfeit titles being sold.

"Counterfeiting is hurting businesses and putting people who are trying to trade legitimately out of business," he said.

David Martin, director of the Anti-Piracy Unit for the British Phonographic Industry, said: "Music piracy is a massive problem in the UK that not only affects artists and record companies but also severely hurts record shops which are fighting for their survival.

"These shops pay business rates, staff wages, rent and so on, and cannot compete with illegal dealers."

The raid follows a similar operation last August when thousands of counterfeit copies of Bollywood films were seized from an illegal "factory" in Bradford. Trading standards officer Claire Hundsdoerfer is pictured with some of the seized goods.