DESPITE optimism in some quarters there seems to be a real fear that the building work at Ilkley Grammar School may not be completed in time for a smooth opening in September.

Of course, all building projects suffer from delays and hiccups, but there is so much of great import riding on this project that major problems would result from its prolongation. Already there are fears that even if the school is ready to take in the extra pupils in September, it would soon be bursting at the seams anyway.

In two weeks Ilkley politicians will making representations to the public inquiry into Bradford's Unitary Development Plan. They will be telling the Department of the Environment planning inspector that the Grammar School will need two sites despite the new building work at Cowpasture Road.

Demographic changes prompted by the expansion of economic activity in Leeds and the popularity of Wharfedale as a residential area will mean a continuing influx of families to the area. Why shoehorn all the pupils into one site when there is ample space at the former Middle School on Valley Drive? Split site schools are not perfect but neither are overcrowded ones.

School staff and the governors have done their best to comply with the restrictions put upon them to provide a suitable environment for what is a first class educational establishment, but it is time they got more support from the local authority and Education Bradford, the private company running the education service.

Bradford Council may be desperate to sell off the former Middle School site for housing but the short-term cash windfall might, in a few short years, be overwhelmed by the amount of expenditure necessary to create extra spaces again.