MORE people will be able to receive the therapeutic benefits of donkeys - thanks to a new £30,000 lorry.

The Elisabeth Svendsen Trust Centre at Eccup has just taken delivery of a mobile unit which it will use to take two donkeys and a cart to special needs schools in the area.

It means more children will be able to ride and spend time with the donkeys, which are known for their placid temperaments.

Debbie Coombes, principal at the Eccup centre, said: "We had originally hoped to raise £25,000, so to raise £30,000 was wonderful. Now that we have the mobile unit we can take the donkeys to children who have missed out before."

Meanwhile, the centre is in desperate need of volunteers to help out. anyone interested should contact Debbie Coombes on (0113) 261 9249.

Riding high:

Instructor Mandy McRae pictured with Tinker in front of the new £30,000 lorry at the Elisabeth Svendsen Trust Centre for disabled riders