A RE-SCHEDULED bus time table is causing punctuality problems for workers travelling from Otley to Ilkley.

To guarantee arriving at work in Ilkley for 9am passengers making the short journey from Otley will have to catch the bus at around 7.20 am.

This bizarre situation has arisen because the next time-tabled service does not arrive in Ilkley until around 9am.

Sandra Ellison, 39, of Albion Street, Otley said: "The situation gives you no time to get from the bus to work. If the bus is slightly delayed then people are going to be late."

The W5 service leaves Otley at 8.35 am arriving at 9am. Alternatively the previous service leaves Otley at 7.25am arriving in Ilkley at 7.50am.

It is a very similar situation on the X84 route.

Mrs Ellison said several people had expressed dissatisfaction.

She said "About five people so far have written to Metro to complain."

A spokesman for the bus company said: "We have re-arranged the timetable after looking at the network generally and adjusting to demand."

When asked about the inconvenience caused by the new schedule, he added: "We would look at any problem and review the situation. We want to give the service required by our customers."