Councillors are urging Leeds City Council to keep its promise and put up traffic signals at a dangerous junction.

Bramhope Parish Counc-illors are pressing the city council over its two year wait to get traffic lights built at Carlton crossroads, where Carlton Lane meets the A658 Harrogate Road.

The lights were approved in 2001 and were supposed to be built by the summer, but they still have not appeared.

Bramhope Parish Council wants answers as to why the lights still have not appeared at the notorious rat run, which people use to access Leeds Bradford International Airport.

Bramhope Parish Coun-cillor Clive Fox said it was a major issue and he wanted answers.

"Carlton crossroads is a major issue for the parish," he said.

"The Council has still failed to put up traffic lights there. We keep getting new promises from Leeds City Council and they haven't got the manpower to do it.

"We are approaching the Council and it is time they got it all sorted out. It is not a lack of money it is the lack of staff to carry out the work and it is not getting done because it is not classed as a high priority scheme.

"We are keen to press the Council to do it, it is already two years overdue. We just want the lights up and running."

After the first delay residents were told that the lights would be fitted in January this year and then it was postponed until April.

But Leeds City Council has said that work on the lights is due to start in the summer.

A spokesman for Leeds City Council said: "All the groundwork for this scheme is now almost complete.

"The design is finished, the contractors appointed and we are meeting them next week to discuss the logistics of the project.

"It is quite a complex one, involving street lighting as well as traffic lights, and we have to iron out issues such as what road closures, if any, will be necessary.

"We expect work will start some time early summer."