SUNNY weather in the Easter holidays may have led to parking and litter problems close to Ilkley's riverside.

Residents of Denton Road have complained to Ilkley parish councillors about motorists parking cars and vans on a grassy verge close to the football pitches, which they fear could damage the green area.

The problem has led to some residents wanting to leave letters on the windscreens of any cars parked on the verge. Others are asking for 'no parking' signs, and litter bins to clear up the problem of bottles and food packaging being dumped at the roadside.

But parish councillors say they do not to spoil the character of the area by cluttering it with more 'street furniture' such as bins and signs.

Councillor Audrey Brand said there were currently no restrictions preventing people parking on the green area - but she is appealing to the goodwill of motorists to keep the area smart.

She said: "It may be because of the holidays, but the residents want to stop it before it gets to the extent that the grass is badly damaged. There are no signs to say 'no parking', but we don't want any more signs, that would be intrusive."

There has also been an increase in rubbish being dumped in the area, said Coun Brand.

"The message is to take your litter home with you. So many people like to come to the river, and the playground on the other side, but what some don't do is appreciate the surroundings," she said.