IT'S 'official' - Ilkley people are among the most honest in the country.

When a national newspaper set up a trap to snare the light-fingered among us, Ilkley came out top for honesty.

The daily newspaper left a box of donations outside charity shops around the country, then timed how long it took before somebody made off with something.

It took just 30 seconds in Golders Green, London before a man began rifling through the box; ten minutes in Cardiff; 40 minutes in the affluent suburbs of Manchester - but NO-ONE in Ilkley took anything from the box in the four hours it was sitting outside Help the Aged charity shop on The Grove.

Only Oxford came close to the trustworthy town of Ilkley. A young boy took away a CD from the box but was forced to return it by his angry mother.

Manager of Help the Aged, Ilkley, Julie Cook, said: "I have never noticed any of the bags being opened when I come into work in the morning. In the five years I have been here we have never had any problems like that. The people of Ilkley are very supportive and we appreciate all the donations they give."

The large cardboard box contained soft toys, clothes, books, videos and cassettes. Two passers-by had a quick look at the contents but both returned the items they were examining.

Sergeant Esther Hobbs, of Ilkley Police Station said: "That doesn't surprise me at all. Ilkley is a lovely town with a lot of charity shops that are very well supported.

"It's a nice place with a low crime rate. It is very reassuring to know that we have been singled out as an honest town, really good to know."

Ben Rhydding parish councillor Anne Hawkesworth said: "It never even occurred to me that anybody would take anything from a charity bag. It's a practice I use frequently. But it's nice to hear that we are one of the most honest towns in the country."

Father Richard Hoyal of St Margaret's Parish Church said: "I wouldn't expect it to be too much of a temptation to the people of Ilkley.

"We are fortunate enough to be a community that is comfortable and not have a need to take from charity.

"Nevertheless I'm delighted that Ilkley people were found to be honest and I hope that this will encourage them to continue being so and also in other areas of life."