Former teacher Councillor Margaret Eaton is expected to become Tory leader of Bradford Council for a fourth term.

Coun Eaton was re-elected leader of the Tory Group unopposed at the group's annual meeting last night in City Hall. She is now likely to become Council leader, backed by the hung council's Liberal Democrat group.

The Labour group, which has the same number of seats as the Conservatives, also held its annual meeting last night. Councillor Ian Greenwood was re-elected unopposed as its leader.

Councillor Dave Green (Odsal) was elected deputy leader after Coun Barry Thorne (Keighley West) stepped down for family reasons.

The Liberal Democrats, with 14 seats, hold the balance of power in the Council where Tory and Labour each have 36 seats. There are also three Green Party councillors and one Independent.

Yesterday Liberal Democrat Group leader Councillor Jeanette Sunderland sent letters to the leaders of the Conservative, Liberal and Green groups setting out her aims for the year ahead.

Education and a three-year financial strategy for the Council were stated as priorities. The Liberal Democrats also want to continue with an all-party executive and other aims include free entry for under 16s at sports centres.

Coun Sunderland heavily criticised the Labour Group for refusing to accept portfolios on the executive committee, posts that give councillors responsibility for areas including education and environment.

But Coun Greenwood said after the Labour Group meeting last night that the Liberal Democrat statement was "clearly designed for the press" and not for any serious contribution from Labour.

He added he would be happy to discuss the future with other politicians. "But it is a Tory/Liberal Democrat budget and it is up to them to deliver it," he said.

Coun Eaton, who has led the Tory Group for nine years, said she was also disappointed about the Labour Group's failure to accept portfolios on the hung Council.

She said she hoped to have talks with Coun Greenwood about the make-up of the executive committee.

Coun Eaton added her group would discuss the aims of the Liberal Democrat Group in more depth at a meeting next week.

They had common ground and she felt they could work well together for the future of the district.

Coun David Ford, leader of the Green Group said they would also meet to discuss the Liberal Democrat proposals.