A new calendar of naked members of Rylstone and District Women's Institute - this time also featuring screen stars Helen Mirren and Julie Walters - is to be launched later this year.

It will be in the shops at the same time as the movie Calendar Girls is released worldwide.

The film tells how members of the WI turned pin-ups to raise £500,000 for Leukaemia Research.

The new calendar, published by Penguin, features six of the original women - Angela Baker, Tricia Stewart, Lynda Logan, Beryl Bamforth, Christine Clancy and Ros Fawcett. They are joined by the actors who depict the women on screen, Helen Mirren, Julie Walters, Penelope Wilton, Linda Bassett, Celia Imrie and Annette Crosbie.

The movie was premiered at the Cannes film festival last week, winning worldwide acclaim.

Walking along the red carpet at Cannes were the film's stars Helen Mirren and Julie Walters, together with real life counterparts Tricia Stewart and Angela Baker.

The film will be premiered in London in September with a special showing in Skipton.

Royalties from the film and profit from the new calendar will go to Leukaemia Research.

Tricia said she expected the new 2004 calendar to outstrip the original in raising cash.

"We have always talked about another calendar, but we didn't think it would come about. It's fantastic. We think it will make a fortune - much more than the original," she said.

The poses were based on the original calendar and the photographs of the Rylstone women were again taken by Terry Logan, from Threshfield.

While at the film launch, Tricia and Angela prepared a typical WI tea using Taylor's Yorkshire tea from a proper English teapot taken along in his luggage by Terry.

"When we arrived in Cannes we were amazed to see a giant poster of the Calendar Girls next to posters for Matrix Reloaded and Terminator 3. From then on it was non-stop interviews with the world's press and television," said Tricia.

The original calendar was produced in memory of Angela's husband John, a Yorkshire Dales National Park officer, who died aged 53 in 1996. When it was published in the US in 2000, it out-sold calendars by Britney Spears and Cindy Crawford.

The new calendar will be launched on August 7.