Organisers of Glusburn and Cross Hills Gala are considering changing the date next year, to avoid clashing with the FA Cup Final, and in the hope of better weather.

Downpours and cold winds greeted them on Saturday morning as they battled with just a few helpers to set up the hall and gala field.

Everything that could go wrong went wrong in the lead-up to the event, including not being able to access South Craven School through the main entrance and having no electricity for much of the morning, but hard work and perseverance paid off and everything came together in the end.

And, as if by miracle, as the parade started to make its way down from Ellison's garage to the field, the thick black clouds parted and there was bright sunshine just long enough for the procession to finish - before it started to rain again.

The procession was well attended, with colourful displays from South Craven School's art department, vintage vehicles, the City of Bradford Pipe Band, Scouts, Brownies and Guides and the emergency services.

Unfortunately there were few floats, with only the gala queens travelling in style - everyone else took to their feet, except one brave boy, Ross Sommerville, 11,who travelled the whole way on stilts!

"We were very pleased with the people who turned out for the procession," chairman of the gala committee John Boreham said. "More people turned up then we expected. We are seriously considering moving the date next year, in the hope more men turn up!"

He added that the gala committee had been greatly assisted by the Old White Bear public house, which stepped in at the eleventh hour to provide refreshments, and the Brownies who cleared the tables.

Gala Queen Laura Smyth was crowned by South Craven School headmaster Dr Andrew Cummings, who officially opened the event. She was attended by Stacey Haigh, Gemma Upton, Lauren Sisman, Chloe Birch and Joshua Barrett.

Laura said she had enjoyed the event. "It was great fun, really good," she said. "I didn't get wet because fortunately I was in the middle of the float and there was a roof on it!"

Inside the hall there was indoor skittles laid on to amuse the children while the grown-ups enjoyed some more 'adult' entertainment, with a display of belly-dancing from Keighley-based performance group Samara.

Roger Nicholson, the former chairman of the gala committee for 20 years, and his wife Margaret judged the fancy dress entrants. Mrs Nicholson said: "In spite of the rain they have done fantastically well, some lovely entries.

"The community spirit has been fantastic, and I offer my congratulations to the new committee.

"They were hastily convened and did a good job in organising it."

Lucie Ridehalgh, the treasurer, said the event had made a slight profit but that they had been 'seriously let down by the huge lack of support'.

Just eight people turned up to help on the morning, including her own children, and she said that unless people came forward to help for next year's event, the existing committee would have to think hard about whether it could go ahead at all.

Anyone interested in helping should ring Mrs Ridehalgh, or her husband Ian, on 01535 637895.

Fancy dress winners - Best Marching Band: 1 S Craven School's art department - "Water Carnival"; 2 Samara Belly Dancers; 3 1st Kildwick and Farnhill Scout Group; Best Queen's Float: 1 Keighley Gala Queen, 2 Sutton Fun Day Queen.

Best Decorated Pram or Bike: 1 Hannah B's Mobile Catering - Hannah Bealey (11); 2 A Rose Between Two Thorns - Ellie Bealey (6); Fancy Dress, under 6: 1 Little Bo Peep - Georgia Dobson (20 months); 2 Cat - Rebecca Dobson; 3 Fairy - Leah Robinson; Fancy Dress 7-11 years: 1 Alien - Sean Robinson (10); 2 Doll in a Box - Ellie Sommerville (8); Fancy Dress, 11 years upwards: 1 Mexican on Stilts - Ross Sommerville (11); 2 Fire Spirit - Laura Sharples (11).

Pictured: Gala queen Laura Smyth, centre, is joined by her retinue, from left, Stacey Haigh, Joshua Barrett, Chloe Birch, Lauren Sisman and Gemma Upton. Below: The Samara belly dancers turn on the style