crowds turned out for the fifth Bront Vintage Gathering to raise money for Manorlands, despite the bad weather at the weekend.

The event, held in Haworth Road, Cullingworth, featured attractions such as a range of vintage tractors, cars, motorbikes, commercial vehicles, stationary engines, displays, craft stalls, horses, side shows, traction engines and children's rides.

Bradford Model Railway Club provided rides on its miniature line and there was a chance for visitors to drive a tractor or quad bikes.

Committee member and Manorlands administrator Chris Wilcock said: "We were disappointed with the weather and there weren't as many people at the event as there were last year. But nonetheless there was a very good turn out and most people came prepared -- in their wellies! The tombola and cake stall sold out and the trades people were happy. We made £10,000 last year.

Later this week it was revealed that the event had only made £5,000 this year.

Mr Wilcock added: "But it all helps Manorlands and the committee is so dedicated, it's a pleasure to be involved in the event."

The weather caused some changes to the agenda but things generally went according to plan.

"We want to thank all the people who came to support the event and those who put in all the work behind the scenes," added Mr Wilcock.

He said: "It does get disheartening when so much work is put in and it risks being spoiled by the weather, but the team is a committed and strong one. They are all very efficient and pleased to be able to help Manorlands with such major fundraising."

Committee member Kathleen Snowden thanked everyone who was involved and who attended for their help. She said: "There was a fantastic atmosphere despite the weather, and people really got into the spirit of things. It was a special event, not least because we had some big steamers there for the first time -- one of the local chaps, Martin Robinson, brought a showman's engine, so it was an interesting event."

In the tractor and trailer driving and reversing competition first place went to David Brotherton, second to Brian Lazenby and third went to Jason Colne.