Reader incensed by moor road 'humps'

SIR, - Hooray for the comments made by you and Karl Zanft last week regarding the speed bumps which have rapidly appeared on the Burley Woodhead road without any visible consultation with anyone other than the local residents.

I am incensed that this scheme has been passed, while the far more serious problems on our town roads have been persistently neglected. Councillor Anne Hawkesworth states that the scheme was 'asked for by local residents and supported by Rombalds Councillors'.

Residents of Springs Lane and Bolling Road have been asking for speed calming for what seems like an eternity- indeed our views were actively sought- yet we have still seen nothing happen; and support from local councillors appears to be entirely absent. In a recent short survey, far more cars were exceeding the legal speed limit than were following it; and 76 cars were travelling at speeds of 60 M.P.H. or above.

As I understand it, the planned speed tables on the said roads were halted due to the objections of what Mr Zanft refers to as 'the minority'. These people are seemingly concerned only with their own convenience -and I believe the majority of them do not live on the affected roads.

While residents do not have sole use of the roads, I have said before that my prime concern is the safety of my two young children. As a parent I am bound by The Children Act 1989 to provide a safe environment for my children and to protect them from harm. Obviously I take this responsibility seriously.

However, the protection of children is a far more wide ranging issue: It is also the responsibility of society in general and is a matter governed by public law. I should also like to point out that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that 'all children...should be able in a safe environment and be protected from harm' and should also 'be able to become as competent as possible in looking after themselves and coping with every day living'.

I do my utmost to teach my children about road safety; but all the training in the world will not protect them from a speeding motorist who loses control of his car. It is my view that the children who live on /use these roads have their rights infringed as they are in an unsafe environment-and why? Because people like Coun Hawkesworth don't like speed bumps. I find myself wondering to whom our councillors are accountable.

It is ridiculous to assume that speed calming on Springs Lane only would have the effect of slowing traffic on Bolling Road or vice versa. Drivers already show that they cannot be trusted to follow speed limits, and will continue to speed along areas where they are not physically forced to slow down.

This situation is dragging on interminably. Let a proper solution be found once and for all. And a word to the 'minority' who will no doubt feel the need to reply again to a letter from a concerned resident: My views are as deeply entrenched as yours are and I will not alter them.

Joanne Button

33 Springs Lane,


Bumps ludicrous

SIR, - Who then is responsible for the ludicrous concept and design of the speed bumps at Burley Woodhead ?

Never have I seen a more bizzare interpretation of traffic calming - and as for the 20mph speed limi, has anyone actually ever tried to drive that slowly and if so for what purpose ?

A man and a red flag would be more appropriate for the anti-car zealots who seem to delight in causing mayhem for business motorists going about their work - in my case twice a day along this road. Someone has to put their hand up over this farce.

Maybe it's meant to be a tourist attraction !! There must be further debate with commuting motorists involved.

I can t believe that Coun. Anne Hawksworth is washing her hands of this one. What with the speed bumps and the Ilkley Moor signage someone needs to get a grip of the barmy free spenders who make up the area committee - who are

they again ?

Action please, Councillor, this matter has to be addressed urgently.

Trevor W Pardoe

Woodstock House,


Humps horror

SIR, - When I drive from Guiseley to Ilkley, I often go 'over the top', that is, via the Woodhead/Ilkley Moor road, passing The Hermit and The Cow and Calf. It's a pleasant alternative to the A65, despite the need to drive slowly around the many twists and turns.

But, horror of horrors, when I last drove that way, during the Spring Bank Holiday, I found that Bradford Council (I assume you are the culprits) have installed no fewer than 11 speed ramps - so steep and high that it's necessary to slow to almost walking pace to pass safely over them.

Now I'm not against traffic calming. For example, the thick red lines on the A65 at the start of Ilkley's 30mph speed limit are a fine example of how traffic calming should be done. But the ramps on the Woodhead road are far in excess of what might be needed, and completely 'over the top'.

I therefore urge the council to take an urgent look at the stretch of road in question, and to consider removing the speed ramps or at least reducing the number and making them more user friendly, before claims for back and neck injuries, and damaged suspensions, start to pour in.


74, Netherfield Road,


Spine danger

SIR, - Why punish the disabled for other motorists' speed? P Langtry-Langton's description of the old-fashioned sleeping policemen on Burley moor road as 'spine crippling' cannot be bettered (Gazette, May 22).

They have effectively banned me from using the most direct route to Ilkley to frequently visit my daughter's family.

Alternatives? Only adding traffic down narrow Derry Hill and Burley Lane, Menston, adding to the congestion on the A65, or the longer route via Keighley and Silsden.

There is no excuse for these 'spine cripplers'. Perhaps this term is derived from the fact that Sheffield Council has removed all road humps from bus routes because of the back injuries caused to previously able-bodied bus drivers.

Consider what they do to people who already have spinal injuries. There are now other 'traffic calming' measures available.Possibilities available for the Burley moor road include:

1. Smaller humps, as already installed on Moor Lane into Burley, can be negotiated with car wheels either side of the hump, which means driving with care and reduced speed. I assume these would not be more expensive.

2. A 20mph speed limit with speed cameras and prosecutions.

If these nasty, injurious lumps are to remain, I suggest also warning signs on the Ilkley Moor Road and at the junction of Hillings Lane and Bingley Road, Menston, as the motorist comes across them on a narrow road where turning round to take an alternative route would be an additional traffic hazard.

The signs could read something like: 'WARNING - Road ahead includes 11 unavoidable road humps which could cause pain and further damage to people with spinal injuries'.

Is it time for all the people experiencing problems with road humps affecting their quality of life to start protesting appropriately? Think, folks, this is serious. No more lovely pub lunches at the Hermit where they serve the nicest Bakewell Tart to be had for miles.


3 Grange Road,


Against bypass

SIR, - I wish to make a comment about the remarks made in your front page report in the Ilkley Gazette (May 29). I am particularly unhappy about the comment made by John Traynier that 'the widows of those killed are not impressed either', with reference to Bradford Council not re-submitting a bid for the Manor Park Bends scheme.

Since my husband was killed at Manor Park in September 2001, no-one from the Road Safety Committee or Ilkley or Bradford Council has ever asked me my opinion on the subject, and it is quite wrong of Mr Traynier to make that comment on my behalf.

I am totally against the bypass that was proposed but I am in favour of the immediate installation of speed cameras. The money could and should be found.

Whatever changes are made accidents will continue to happen because of the appalling standards of driving on our local roads. Install cameras as soon as possible and 'name and shame' people who are caught speeding.

Linda Waite

21, Lawn Avenue,


Hotel nonsense

SIR, - As a third generation licensed victualler (now retired) I have been following the saga of the Wheatley Hotel with a mixture of amusement and incredulity.

To refer to the continuation of this excellent hostelry as unviable stretches the bounds of reason to breaking point. A business-minded chimpanzee would be hard pressed not to make a profit there.

As a frequent customer, I have witnessed the thriving trade, both in the bar and restaurant.

Why do not Punch Taverns cease this charade and admit that the only viability study they are interested in is the value of the site for building purposes, set against the income raised by continuing to run the Wheatley as a business.


27 Bolton Road,


Gypsies defended

SIR, -- In answer to Colin Powell's comments on the travellers (Gazette, May 29), I think he should leave these people alone. They are only resting on the way to Appleby Horse Fair.

This is an annual event enjoyed by many folk, just the same as Ilkley carnival is. They do not leave any more rubbish than is left every year on the riverside after the carnival.

I think Coun Powell should concentrate on his own resident vandals who live in Ilkley and do damage in the cemetery and the public toilets and daub graffiti everywhere. The countryside is for all to enjoy, not just the posh folk in Ilkley.

As for this area being a beauty spot, it is just a roadside verge, nor more, no less. Put your own house in order first, Coun Powell.


10 Wrexham Road,


Names listed on gravestone

SIR, - In his letter to the gazette on May 29, Dr Christopher Molander says that it is incorrect to refer to the Clarke grave in Ilkley Cemetery as the family grave.

Whilst he may be correct that only Bridget is buried in the grave, I do know that the tablet which lies on the grave lists the following: Margaret 1808, Michael 1912, Mary 1914, Bridget 1915, Martin 1934, Ann 1961, Catherine 1966 and Ellen (unable to see date).

Whilst everyone on this list is obviously not buried there, the stone is in memory of them - the family.

Perhaps it was James Clarke himself who wished his family to be remembered here in Ilkley Cemetery and I feel sure he would have been grateful if the people who have benefited from the money left by the Clarke Foley Trust were able to spend a tiny amount of that money on the repair and upkeep of the family grave.

Dr Molander says in his letter that it might be possible for some of the 'shamefaced' Ilkley residents to join Councillor Robinson in demonstrating their affection for the family in a productive way by offering their services as volunteers

Well, Dr Molander, this is one 'shamefaced' Ilkley resident, who several years ago became an ex-volunteer because I was as disgusted then by the attitude taken by the trustees over the matter of the Clarke-Foley family grave as I am today.


18 Sunset Drive,
