The St Giles, Bramhope Mothers' Union celebrated their 100th birthday with a Flower festival.

The colourful event was well supported and raised £1,000.

The money will be sent to the Mothers Union overseas and Emergency Relief Funds, which aid the victims and their families of natural disasters such as earthquakes or famine.

Approximately 500 people visited St Giles Church to see the Flower Festival over the weekend.

Margaret North, Secretary of the St Giles Mothers Union and Joan Archenhold, Leader of the group, both from Bramhope organised the event.

Mrs North said: "The whole weekend was a success, and seemed to be very well received by all that attended it. We would all like to thank everyone who supported us for making it such a success."

Margaret North is

pictured, left with Joan Archenhold admiring one of the floral exhibits