The story of restoration plans for Manningham Mills has been one of the great cliffhangers of Bradford's recent history. Could the money be found to bridge the funding gap? Would it happen before the building became so dilapidated as to be beyond saving? Would it happen at all? Or would that famous landmark, a symbol of the industry which once won Bradford wealth and worldwide prestige, end up being flattened and replaced with a housing estate?

With the signing of the deal which will at last allow the work to go ahead on South Mill, this city can now breathe a sigh of relief - although there will no doubt be plenty of people who still won't believe it until the physical work has actually begun.

The road to this vital point in the campaign to save the building has been a long and immensely complicated one. All seemed lost when it was realised that Yorkshire Forward could not provide gap funding to a private company under its rules.

However, that problem has now been overcome thanks to a clever arrangement under which the premises are leased to Bradford Council while the public works are carried out before being returned to the developer.

Urban Splash says it already has a waiting list for the 370 apartments and penthouses which will occupy the building along with offices and studios plus community space. With people apparently eager to move in, the Manningham area can expect a significant economic revival.

A major project like this also sends out a strong signal to the wider world that Bradford is once again facing the future with confidence.